Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vanilla Custard with Bourbon Caramel Sauce

I'm not a huge fan of custard.  Mostly I think it tastes like eggs and I'm also not a huge fan of eggs, so I suppose it isn't surprising.  So when we were running out of ideas for Southern desserts and custard was suggested, I figured I should make it as flavorful as possible.  I also have vanilla beans that I have been meaning to use for a while now, so it seemed like a good time.  Creamy custard, sweet sauce, lots of layers of flavor.  Even I like this custard.

Makes 6 custard cups

2 cups milk
1 vanilla bean pod (use the seeds for something else)
Pinch nutmeg
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon bourbon
4 egg yolks
1 whole egg
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 cups hot water

1. Pour milk into small saucepan.  Add vanilla bean pod and nutmeg.  Set aside.
2. Butter 6 custard cups.  Place cups in large glass pan, spacing so that they barely touch.
3. In small skillet, pour 1/2 cup sugar in even layer.  Place skillet over low heat and stir until sugar caramelizes.  Sugar will crystallize and turn tan, then the crystals will dissolve into deep brown liquid.  Stir in bourbon and mix well. Divide syrup evenly between the 6 custard cups.
4. In heatproof bowl, beat yolks and egg.  Add 1/3 cup sugar and salt.Whisk until frothy.  Set bowl aside, but close at hand.
5. Place small saucepan of milk on medium heat.  Stirring constantly, scald milk.  You should see a film on top of milk and tiny bubbles appearing around the edge of the milk when it is ready.  Remove vanilla bean pod.  Whisking with one hand and pouring with the other, stir milk into egg/sugar mixture all at once.  Stir until smooth.  Divide custard evenly between custard cups, pouring over caramel.  Pour hot water in pan around custard cups, stopping once water is about an inch up the side of the cups.
6. Bake custard in water bath for 30-35 minutes or until it thickly coats a knife inserted into the center.  Cool in water bath and chill before serving.  Invert on small plate to serve.  Some caramel may stick to bottom of cup.

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